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Watch Webinar: Norwegian Employment Contracts

Sigbjørn og Th


Are you familiar with the new rules for Norwegian employment contracts? 

Effective from July 1st, 2024 there will be changes in the Norwegian Working Environment Act in regards to employment contracts.   

We believe it is crucial for all employers to stay informed about these changes as early as possible, ensuring that your employment contracts remain compliant when the changes take effect. These updates aim to create clearer and more predictable working conditions for employees, complementing the existing requirements of the Working Environment Act.

In this webinar, we will present the new changes and some examples of how these changes can be implemented in your employment contracts.

About the webinar: 

  • Duration: 30 min.
  • Language: English

About our lawyers

Sigbjørn Edøy works with general business law and specializes particularly in matters related to labor law. He also assists with related questions in corporate law, tax law, and contract law.

Terese Eriksen Eldholm works primarily with labor law, assisting both Norwegian and foreign companies. She also assists clients with questions related to corporate law, contract law, and GDPR.

Download and watch our webinar